What is coal?

Coal is a sedimentary rock whose color is generally black or brown, and its ingredients contain large amounts of hydrocarbons and carbon.
Since the formation of coal takes millions of years, it is classified as a non-renewable fuel.
Coal is one of the vital resources, the absence of which becomes a problem, and without it, many industries fail.
How to form:
The formation of coal is attributed to 300 million years ago, the energy stored in coal is by plants that lived in swamp forests hundreds of millions of years ago.
With the passage of time and as a result of the flood, the plants, especially the mosses and algae, were compressed and buried in the mud, this caused them to be subjected to high temperature and pressure.
At this stage, the acidic bloom prevents the plant from coming in contact with oxygen, as a result, the plant decomposes at a slower rate and the plant can retain its most carbon.
During this process, which takes years, peat is formed, which is a rich source of carbon compounds.
Most global reserves:
The largest coal reserves are in America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.


Coal price:
This substance has many consumers all over the world, this causes its price to change daily.
Among the factors affecting the price of coal, we can mention its quality and purity, producer brands, global market rates, prevailing inflation, etc.

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