Clinker or Cement clinker is a product that is an intermediary material in the manufacture of Portland cement. We, Azintrade company, are proud to be one of the biggest clinker manufacturers in Iran. With usually 3 millimeters to 25 millimeters in diameter, it traditionally involves intimate mixing of limestone and clay. In cement companies in Iran, manufacturers produce Portland cement clinker. They produce this material by heating a homogeneous mixture of raw materials in a rotary kiln at high temperatures. The products of the chemical reaction aggregate together at their sintering temperature, about 1500°C.

Aluminum oxide and Iron oxide are present only as a flux to reduce the sintering temperature and contribute little to the cement strength. Portland cement clinker is ground to a fine powder and used as the binder in many cement products. As one of the largest gypsum suppliers, we add gypsum to clinker primarily as an additive preventing the flash settings of the cement, but it is also very effective to facilitate the grinding of clinker by preventing agglomeration and coating of the powder at the surface of balls and mill wall.

Clinker, if stored in dry conditions, can be kept for several months without appreciable loss of quality. Because of this, and because it can easily be handled by ordinary mineral handling equipment, this is a good product to trade internationally in large quantities by clinker suppliers. Cement companies purchasing clinker usually grind it as an addition to their own clinker at their cement plants. In addition, linker manufacturers also ship clinker to grinding plants in areas where cement-making raw materials are not available.

Read about gypsum and its uses here, too.



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