Difference between OPC and SRC

OPC and SRC are two types of cement used in the construction industry. While both are commonly used in a variety of applications, they differ in terms of their composition, properties, and applications.
OPC, or Ordinary Portland Cement, is the most widely used cement in the world.
It is produced by grinding together clinker, gypsum, and other materials such as limestone, fly ash, and blast furnace slag.
The resulting powder is then mixed with water to form a paste that hardens over time to form a strong and durable material.
OPC is characterized by its high strength, good workability, and low cost.
It is commonly used in the construction of buildings, bridges, roads, and other structures.


SRC, or Sulphate Resistant Cement, is a special type of cement designed to resist the harmful effects of sulfates present in soil and water.
It is produced by adding extra amounts of calcium aluminate and calcium sulfate to OPC during the manufacturing process.
These additional compounds react with the sulfates to form compounds that are less harmful to the cement.
SRC is characterized by its high resistance to sulfates and other chemicals, as well as its low heat of hydration.
It is commonly used in marine environments, underground structures, and other locations where sulfates are present.
The main difference between OPC and SRC is their resistance to sulfates.
While OPC is susceptible to damage from sulfates, SRC is specifically designed to resist them.
This makes SRC a better choice for use in areas where sulfates are present, such as near the coast or in areas with high levels of groundwater.
Another difference between OPC and SRC is their compressive strength.
OPC typically has a higher compressive strength than SRC, which means it can withstand more stress before breaking.
However, SRC has a higher flexural strength, which means it can withstand more bending stress without breaking.
This makes SRC a better choice for use in applications where the material will be subject to bending or flexing, such as in beams or columns.
In summary, OPC and SRC are two types of cement with different properties and applications.
OPC is the most widely used cement in the world and is characterized by its high strength and low cost.
SRC is a special type of cement designed to resist sulfates and other chemicals, and is commonly used in marine environments and underground structures.
While both types of cement have their own strengths and weaknesses, the choice of which to use will depend on the specific requirements of the project.

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